When Your Enemy Throws A Spear | 1 Samuel 19:8-10

4 months ago

Do you feel attacked by someone for doing what you thought was right?

Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

This week, we are in 1 Samuel 19. I've titled this chapter "When Enemies Pursue God Will Protect."

Let's jump into our text in 1 Samuel 19:8-10, which reads:

And there was war again. And David went out and fought with the Philistines and struck them with a great blow, so that they fled before him. Then a harmful spirit from the Lord came upon Saul, as he sat in his house with his spear in his hand. And David was playing the lyre. And Saul sought to pin David to the wall with the spear, but he eluded Saul, so that he struck the spear into the wall. And David fled and escaped that night. — 1 Samuel 19:8-10

David's success is irritating to Saul for four reasons:

Jealousy:  Saul is irritated because he is jealous of David's success and popularity.
Divine Favor: Saul is irritated by God's blessing on David and the removal of his blessing.
Political Threat:  Saul is irritated because David is a political threat to his throne and legacy.
Personal Insecurity:  Saul is irritated because his perpetual sin has led to a deteriorating mental state and an increasingly harmful spirit.

It's heartbreaking to see Saul in this state. He is so spiritually troubled and irrational, that he's sitting inside Israel's safest house with a spear in his hand, ready to harm one of the greatest warriors of Israel. Thus Saul is going to close out his life a very irritated and irrational man, husband, father, and leader.

Godly success can occasionally provoke irrational opposition. When one lives according to God's will and encounters blessings and achievements, it can provoke negative reactions from opponents. Maybe not to the point where they are trying to shoot you, but they might sandbag you, gaslight you, or sideline you.

But how should we respond?

Here are two suggestions. First, it's important to acknowledge that opposition does not necessarily reflect on your character or abilities, but rather, it serves as a testament to the impact of God's work in your life. Second, you must understand at these moments that God’s protection is as real for you as it was for David.

Here are a few practical steps to help you feel the weight of ungodly opposition today:

Focus on God's mission: Like David, continue to pursue the path God has set before you, regardless of the opposition.
Seek God's protection: Pray for God's protection and wisdom as you navigate challenges.
Maintain Godly integrity: Respond to hostility with grace and integrity, knowing that your conduct can be a powerful witness.

Remember that all these points are based on the fact that you may encounter opposition because you have been faithful and obedient to God. When enemies come after you, rest assured that God will protect you. Stay firm and trust in God's provision.

#DivineProtection, #TrustInGod, #OvercomingOpposition

Ask This:
How can you actively seek and recognize God's protection when you face opposition or hostility, and what practical steps can you take to maintain your focus on His mission despite the challenges?
In what ways have you experienced jealousy or hostility from others due to your faithfulness and success, and how can you respond with grace and integrity while continuing to trust in God's provision and protection?
Do This:

Focus on the mission, seek God's protection, and maintain integrity.

Pray This:

Lord, I trust in Your protection when I face opposition and hostility, knowing that You are my shield and refuge. Help me to stay focused on Your mission and respond with grace, relying on Your wisdom and strength in every challenge. Amen.

Play This:

Every Giant Will Fall.

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