solar eclipse; Sun, Moon, Lilith, Goddess Astrea in Libra; calling forward your inner teacher

6 days ago

#astrology #soul #goddess

it is simply time for us to take the teachings of who we truly are, further. all the astrological alignments are here to guide us and fuse together within us. we are not separate from the energies, we are waking up, that which has been dormant within our minds. so much mental (air) energy this solar eclipse that is from the wisdom of harmonizing the masculine and feminine energies within, in other terms balancing the right brain, left brain, air is always both, as too be truly wise both are required.

as shared in the videos the Sabian Symbol story

to book with me;

intro 0:00
theme of energies offered 0:38
Sabian Symbol 6:25
chariklo trine non physical senses 11:42
personal experience 17:16
final thoughts on energy themes 21:38

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