This my final say to white chunky Karen dimples face 9/17/24

4 months ago

She just got report it on Facebook ha sucks for you we've telling for very long time stellaroseallday stay off line you didnt listen am glad you finished public your book 📙 is fraud book actsully never read seems if end federal prison ive heard that you finished chapter's you not crime author your not Julian assange yoyr not of those things actually feel sorry you after you say that I've threatened you and aligned with ganval yoy made fun if me of my writing type can't spell cuassed from another country you wish that was could but get word out that am good your not no offense was help clipping you decide told not dox people decided blocked on tiktok and Instagram report you blocked aswell and that was mistake am my part helping you no more content for you but looks your doned has for confession atm richie he not killed Aaron carter what's said accordingly he want go viral for worldstar to put him there so people react to him to be more famous than his plus lilperk stealing jewelry 💍 and jwavy and vium that nonesense stealing any of that ogbrideofchucky said I bealived what's said but you said accept witnessed protection program put your safety molly Golightly why on live if fear for life than leaved internet delete all your stuff and doned with there no need post that post threat to your safety and is risk that you taken by doing this probably didn't stared with Aaron carter doing carterverse it start that probably she involved with mobs you know mobster and by her family inheritance surveillance us government aswell federal watch list is why her has vendetta against now but she made far worst for herself Aaron carter was indeed with gangs who dangers and those gangs come after you online trollz and bsb gangsters Aaron carter fear and angry Monique Figueroa can be one angry mob protesters and said Lori knight and Melanie coming after newsflash there nit thet will sued you however and thet put federal prison what's make you think can't there powerful like you said music industry Hollywood and us government all in tied to one like notch yes we know about diddy stuff sex trafficking is wild he pleased innocence Aaron carter and Justin Bieber was touch by diddy you may know that alot people think Lori knight did it not exactly story but and i ganval actually hated each other once exposed wasn't friends with guy or dx and respected ganval now cuased hunts predators against Brandon que yes was involved in his community but not part anymore however was ex member his community watch him all time without participating with watching him observe him ain't no longer clipping him no more there no more ganval only crackrockchris that died that was intrigued by that story unfortunately no more clips him yes ganval everyday that your answers little Stella mrs stellaroseallday stella rose Dionne lang anyways good luck published yoyr book not go nowhere where going maybe people publish book in federal prison or psych ward mental hospital 🏥 there get free copy of it lol 😂 in jail time or stuff that you doned you removed all videos and your channels from all social media sites and one more thing why do you have trump2024 and put liked on former mayor Giuliani there make that make sense actually crooks is dead and ryan routh and others arrest God prayers for trump hope got put his safety well stellaroseallday tgis end if road for you ive won't posting anymore of you cuased there anymore your getting canceled soon enjoy prison time think what you doned here here maybe God will forgive snd your sins be better person has you says namaste anyways removed all those post will removed mined aswell you ive won't gived anymore attention your world crumbling down ogbrideofchucky saud hope good with her she offline a whole hopefully big back gived update stellaroseallday but think the end curtain for her she scared go live cuased she piss alot people off that why thet after for that reason she puss me of aswell but we let's authorities law enforcement agencies and lawyers and attorneys and federal judges and court deal with her either staying federal prison or psych ward mental hospital 🏥 or felling country would ve nice she hide but no more going live no more posting more do that more endangered herself is not look what's happened to Julian assange and Edward Snowden they were truth whistle-blower and but stella is not whistle-blower there risk people take that endangered online spreading misinformation without knowing the facts feel sorry her but best my advice she leaves internet don't talk about Aaron carter or Monique Figueroa or carterverse people stop money off the deceased that my advice to you take ir or leaved removed videos why you add it and remove aswell anyways that about it this last time talked about her ever again thee need post her online activity is over that end chapter closed closed that all can say goodbye stellaroseallday bye Felicia its was knowing tanks for those two years you gaved us this years aswell but bye bye bye for now that all about it enough said

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