Blaming the Cyberbullies (August 2022)

13 days ago

After having put his card number online, Andrew demands his father, Tom, call the police to make a complaint about money being stolen by “cyberbullies” (That is, Andrew spent the money, then put the card number online, then blamed his cyberbullies for the missing funds.) Tom does speak to the police, telling them that Andrew secretly recorded him saying his card number, then put that recording online.

By the end of the recording, Andrew states that he believes Tom is not filing any charges in regards to the “stolen” money because Tom knows the “cyberbully” who stole it is a family member, and Tom is covering for that person.

Andrew is partially right, as the thief is indeed a family member of Tom's (Andrew himself.)

Original title: dad is told to go to the police station to file a report he doesn't want to because he knows who
Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: August 25, 2022

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