Saved by grace and faith alone?

5 months ago

I, Fritjof Persson, invite to a respectful dialogue regarding below summary 'The Doctrine of Christ'. If below is wrong, please show me it from the bible.

How to enter into The Kingdom of God
Substeps How to enter into The Kingdom of God
1) Repent (Luke 13:3).
2) Believe the gospel and that Jesus can save (1Cor15:1-4).
3) Water baptism to wash off the sin by dying and resurrecting with Christ (Rom6, Acts22:16, Col2:11-14,1Peter3:20-21).
4) Holy Ghost baptism evidenced by third party and individual disciple (Mark16:17, John14:23-24, Acts 8:18, 10:46, 11:15-18, 19:6)
5) Hence, the entry into The Kingdom of God is by individual covenant with Jesus. The sinner perform 1-3 and Jesus Christ who is the Quality Inspector of The Repentance confirm by 4.
1John5:8 "The Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one." Hence, blood washed first after water baptism and Holy Ghost baptism.
6) The individual and saving covenant with Jesus Christ which constitutes steps 1-5 (Matt26:26-28, 1Cor11:23-25, John6:53-56, Heb9:14-15, 10:16)
7) Practical entry into The Kingdom of God
Acts8:12-17, 10:44-48, 19:1-6
8) Defence of Salvation:
Be led by The Holy Ghost, be salty, do not look back, yield fruit, etc

Fritjof Persson, Sweden, Sep2024

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