Head Scab (August 2022)

5 months ago

Andrew demonstrates his ability to use his fine motor skills (something he often claims he is unable to do.) While doing this, he babbles incessantly about using various tools to smoke weed all while sporting a noticeable scab on the top of his head. This scab was the result of his tantrum on August 19th when he beat his head against a tree after learning about the Baby Andy Archive.

The Baby Andy Archives can be found here: https://archive.org/details/babyandyarchive/

Other notes:
3:00 – Andrew speaks about a teacher's bizarre and obscene behavior, something that likely occurred only in his imagination. Just before this he speaks of when his health teacher taught the class to “roll joints” and allowed the students to take them home, with Andrew refusing to do so.
4:00 - Andrew happily shows his smart watch, yet in other videos he would claim that wearing a watch or bracelet was “sensory hell.”

Original title: Bad people will get a laugh at this and maybe bad ideas
Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: August 22, 2022

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