Lilith; confidence, boundaries and saying No, with this beautiful independent energy

5 months ago

#lilith #astrology #soul

situations with others can be tough and settling into who we are can be messy! people are a pain in the butt sometimes (just saying) and they can get to us real good, pulling into the drama, yes we are responsible yet we are not here to be stoic perfection!! Lilith is here for us as we get more clear with ease and grace, a little directness may be what is most needed!! sometimes our love for others gets taken advantage of and turns into unloving behaviors that we do not always see. let the characteristics and energies of Lilith protect you, so you can keep your heart wide open!!

intro - 0:00
Lilith integrated - 0:03
how Lilith helps us - 1:31
confidence to get untangled from others drama - 3:42
work with me - 11:11

on earth as in heaven,

video on chariklo how to untangle from others wounds and reweave in high frequency energies

Lilith and Venus as besties

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