5/8 "And the true Faith was kept alive by Ordinary Folk - not by the Eclesiastical Hierarchy"

5 months ago

5/8 "The cause of Truth was at its lowest point (4thc). The Latins (West) had ended up submitting to a non-Catholic Creed (Arianism); the Pope had surrendered; Athanasius was in exile; the Arians occupied most principal Episcopal Sees; Then, Julian (the Apostate)proclaimed himself Emperor in his native city of Constantinople". (St John Henry Newman).
The Arian heresy (cont): "You have the Episcopal Sees, we have the Faith" (Athenasius 4thc) St Athanasius 5 exiles. Arianism.
Heresy after Heresy after Heresy but "And the Doors of Hell will not Prevail Against Her" (Jesus Christ).
In the4th century, it seemed it was all over for the Church.
#christianity, #thechurch, #arianism, #heresy,
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