LB | Sept. 17/24 | Scams, Mental Health & Loneliness Pt.1 | Understanding Scams & Their Impact

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Scams, Mental Health & Loneliness
Part 1: Understanding Scams and Their Impact on Mental Health
(Part 2: Loneliness, Mental Health, and Building Resilience- Sept. 24th, 2024)

Daniel Blondeau
Hope Learning Centre Director

Melanie Tritz
Hope Learning Centre Facilitator

Carmen Ledding
Hope Learning Centre Facilitator & CMHA Rosetown Director

This episode is going to be part one of a two-part series on scams and mental health.

We're going to take a deep dive into the world of scammers in this series. We'll discuss ways to protect yourself and your family members. We'll be talking about how to recognize scams and how different scams target different vulnerable people. We'll also be looking at the mental health aspects of scams including the impact scams have on people and the risk factors that make some people more susceptible to scams. We'll also touch on how to talk to friends or family members who may be at risk of being scammed or are in the process of being scammed.

We may also have some additional speakers join us for this conversation. We will update our speakers list as we hear back from guests we've reached out to.

This should be a very informative series and definitely one you won't want to miss!

Part 2 will have a link to the Scams & Mental Health Guide Book.

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Lunch Bytes are brought to you by the Hope Learning Centre, which is based in Regina, Saskatchewan. We offer FREE mental health courses on a variety of different topics. Our courses provide practical, reliable, and up-to-date information on coping strategies, diagnosis, life skills, and more!

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