Calley Means on how healthcare industry is making money on sick people

5 months ago

"A diabetic person on Medicaid, if they're diabetic by the time they're 30, they're generating millions of Dollars paid by the government to pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. If you train lower income person and talk to them about metabolic health and they're going on a path of thriving, of understanding with their family what they're putting in their bodies of movement, they're costing the system millions of Dollars. That's how the kind of economic reality of how the system works on this....
The brilliance of the systemic design is the most revered people in our society are basically able to keep up this system. They're able to have their fancy studies that really just take responsibility for managing the disease instead of curing. They censor...
I had a call when I attacked the dean of Tufts Nutrition School, the most prominent nutrition researcher in the country Dariush Mozaffarian. He called me and actually threatened to call Stanford where we both went and he said: "We know the same people at Stanford. This is not right to be upsetting the apple cart." And I said: "Does your school not take the majority of its funding from food companies to impact nutrition policies in the United States?" He said: "Of course we do, but that doesn't impact my judgement and the fact that you're calling that out and the fact that you're questioning the study that we conducted with the NIH that said lucky charms were healthier than beef. The fact that you're calling this out really isn't polite. This isn't how it works Calley. We know the same people at Stanford and this isn't polite. I'm gonna call Stanford..." and basically threatening me to be kicked out of the club. That's how it works."

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