The Love of Jesus Christ – A Reflection on God’s Love (Sermon from 2015)

5 months ago

Greetings, dear friends. Today, we explore a central tenet of our Christian faith: the profound and transformative love of Jesus Christ. This sermon delves into the essence of God's love, how it influences our relationship with God, ourselves, and others. Our exploration is grounded in the understanding that God is not merely a deity who loves but is love in its purest, most complete form. Through Jesus Christ, this divine love is made manifest to us, and it is through His love that we are drawn closer to God and each other.

The Nature of Divine Love

In contemporary society, the term "love" is often diluted. We use it to describe our affection for everything from a favorite coffee to entertainment. While there is nothing inherently wrong with enjoying these aspects of life, such uses of "love" are vastly different from the profound, unconditional love that Jesus embodies.

Jesus's love transcends transient emotions or superficial desires. It is about giving oneself completely to God without expecting anything in return. The Bible instructs us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to extend that same love to our neighbors as ourselves. However, we cannot give what we do not possess. If our hearts are filled with anger or bitterness, those negative feelings will overflow into our interactions. Conversely, when Jesus's love fills our spirit, we radiate unconditional, selfless love to those around us.

Trusting in Jesus’s Love

Life is fraught with challenges and suffering, but Jesus’s love equips us with the strength to confront these trials. Trusting in His love means surrendering control and accepting that God has a plan for us. By responding to hate with love and injustice with grace, we embody Christ's love and transform the world around us. This includes loving our enemies—a radical yet essential aspect of following Christ. Forgiveness is not just for the benefit of others; it liberates us from the chains of anger and resentment. Jesus forgave even those who wronged Him, setting a precedent for us to follow.

Daily, we should affirm: "I will fill myself with the love of Jesus and extend that love to the world. How others treat me is their path; how I respond is mine."

Experiencing the Abundance of God’s Love

Many of us seek abundance in material wealth, social status, or public recognition. However, the true abundance lies in the love of Jesus—an abundance that cannot be bought or earned but is given freely. The paradox is that the more we give away love, the more we discover its boundless nature. God has already infused this world with love, mercy, and grace. We need only open our hearts to receive and share these gifts.

Understanding Meekness

Matthew 5:5 states, "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." Meekness is often misconstrued as weakness, but in the divine context, it is a powerful virtue. To be meek is to embody humility, patience, and gentleness, prioritizing others out of love and trust in God rather than out of fear or insecurity. Contrary to the world's emphasis on asserting oneself and demanding rights, Jesus calls us to meekness, trusting that God will take care of us. Meekness counteracts pride, which suggests self-sufficiency and superiority. By living meekly, we express our trust in God's plan and embody His love.

The Universality of Jesus’s Love

Jesus’s love binds everything together. It sustains the universe and empowers us to align our thoughts, actions, and words with divine love. True Christ-like love is not limited to those who are kind to us but extends even to those who are difficult or hostile. By sending love to those who oppose us, we prevent their negativity from disturbing our peace. As spiritual beings, we are called to focus on love, harmony, and cooperation. By surrendering to the love of Jesus, we live guided by the Holy Spirit rather than ego, becoming vessels of love, peace, and forgiveness.

Conclusion: Surrendering to God’s Love

In closing, I urge you to surrender to God’s love. Release the need for control, judgment, or conflict. Trust that Jesus’s love is unwavering and will guide you. By filling yourself with His love, you will become a beacon of light, finding that the more you give, the more you receive. The universe, held together by Jesus’s love, will reveal its abundance and joy as you align yourself with this divine love.

Thank you, and may the love of Jesus Christ be with you always.



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