An excerpt of Archbishop Viganò’s thoughts from the 8 Aug interview with T. Marshall /Part 2/

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Archbishop Viganò describes the current activity of some fraternities, such as the Institute of Christ the King: “In the case of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, the ritual and ceremonial question seems to prevail over the doctrinal one, and it is no coincidence that amidst the general dissolution that exists, the Canons of Gricigliano seem to be exempt from opposition and ostracism: they do not represent a problem, because they do not question the new course in the slightest and indeed have extensive citations of conciliar documents in their Constitutions. The other institutes are also surviving.”
Archbishop Viganò also characterizes the current Society of St Pius X: “The Society of Saint Pius X, after fifty years of activity, is showing signs of tiredness, and sometimes it seems that its silence about the horrors of Santa Marta is motivated by a tacit agreement of non-belligerence, perhaps in the hope of being able to become the collector of conservatism and of part of Catholic traditionalism, once Bergoglio has eliminated ‘the competition’ of the former Ecclesia Dei institutes. My fear is that this hope will in the end lead to ratifying the de facto schism that is already present in the Church.”
Archbishop Viganò gives a prediction of what is likely to happen to orthodox Catholics who call a manifest heretic a heretic: “Catholics will be forced to leave the official church, as if they, and not the Roman Hierarchy, were in a state of schism. Once the critical voices are eliminated, Bergoglio would find himself with ‘his own’ heretical church, from which the priests and faithful who do not accept the permanent revolution have been banished.”
Archbishop Viganò also takes into account the disorientation of the simple faithful who do not see behind the scenes of the Church: “As for the faithful, I believe it is necessary to understand the situation of great disorientation and anarchy that is present in the Church.”
Archbishop Viganò, as former nuncio to the United States, assesses the American episcopate: “The American Episcopate is the fruit of decades of bad management by the Vatican: corruption and the presence of a very powerful homosexual lobby – formed largely by McCarrick’s protégés – is totally favourable to the new Bergoglian agenda, in a scandalous submission before the woke positions of the radical Left that is destroying the United States. Among these corrupt men can be counted Cardinals Spellman, Bernardin, Dearden, McCarrick, and their progeny, as well as of course the Society of Jesus, which played a decisive role in the dissolution of Catholicism.”
The Archbishop also mentions the healthy part of the bishops in the United States, whom he tried to support: “The ‘healthy’ part of Bishops – which as Nuncio I tried in every way to promote and defend – is a minority, conservative but conciliar-minded.”
Archbishop Viganò states how it will be possible to recognize the true Pope in the future: “But if Providence were to deign to grant the Church a true Pope, he could be recognized by the condemnation and declaration of nullity of the Council, and the disasters it produced...”
Archbishop Viganò compares the excommunicated Pope Honorius and his guilt of heresy with the current manifest heretic Bergoglio: “The condemnation of error is necessary in order to restore the violated order, which is founded in God, that is, on the supreme Truth. Honorius was excommunicated by Pope Leo II not because he was a heretic, but because he ‘tried by profane treason to subvert the immaculate Faith’. Honorius had not clearly condemned the Monothelite heresy, according to which in Christ there were not two wills… Bergoglio’s subversive action is much more serious, just as the heresies that Vatican II not only did not fight, but rather became a pastoral vehicle for, in a colossal deception of the ecclesial body, are much more serious.”
Archbishop Viganò shows what the revolution in the Church will bring, which was secretly started by the Council and is apparently being completed by the pseudo Pope Bergoglio: “The conciliar revolution – of which Bergoglio is the implacable executor – has as its aim the dissolution of Roman Catholicism into a false religion without dogmas that is of Masonic inspiration, a dissolution to be obtained through the parliamentarization of the Church on the model of civil institutions. This requires a downsizing of the papacy and the extinction of the Apostolic Succession, together with a radical upheaval of the ministerial Priesthood.”
Archbishop Viganò does not yet address in depth the question of conciliar and post-conciliar popes, but warns against what they have produced: “… even if at the moment it is appropriate to suspend definitive judgment on the popes of the Council, it is necessary to put everything that they have produced ‘in parentheses’, so to speak – in particular the Catechism and the doctrinal teaching, the reform of the Mass and the Sacraments, and among these the rite of conferring Holy Orders.”
Archbishop Viganò comments on the question of the validity of the ordination of bishops and priests, and consequently on the validity of the Mass and the sacraments in the post-Vatican II period. He concludes by stressing the need to restore the integrity of the deposit of faith: “What I can say is that, with respect to the theses of sedevacantism or sedeprivationism – which also have elements that can be shared in theory – it is not possible to believe that the Lord allowed His Church to remain eclipsed and deprived of the ordinary means of Grace – the Sacraments – for over sixty years, with Bishops and priests not validly ordained and therefore with invalid Masses and Sacraments. The mysterium iniquitatis cannot imply the failure of the assistance promised by Christ to the Church – I am with you always, even to the end of the age (Mt 28:19). But on our part, it is urgent to restore the integrity of the Depositum Fidei…”

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

9 September 2024

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