Autistic Kinesthetic Physical Activity

5 days ago

#autism #autismpodcast #autismfamily #autismawareness
Copyright Good God Almighty, Crowder, Milk & Honey Album, 2021.

Kinesthetic Autistics need regular physical activity throughout each day. Whether that means hiking, playing a sport, or going to the gym; physical activity for Kinesthetic Autistics is absolutely critical. Finding a way to use and burn the excess energy whether in education or in a career is essential to help with focus, physical and mental health, as well as release stress from the physical body.

Finding the correct activity in which a Kinesthetic Autistic can use and burn each one's energy is important physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Look for opportunities to join spots clubs or take up hiking or running when the physical body has too much pent up energy. Hope this helps! God bless and cheers!

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