911 - A "Conspiracy Theory"

1 month ago

Who benefitted from 9/11?
1. Israel, the Military Industrial Complex, the Bankers, their wars, and their petrodollar w/ US military involvement in the Middle East
2. The Deep State with the passage and implementation of the Patriot Act
3. Harvey Silverman, the new owner of the WTC twin towers and building 7 with his terrorism insurance payout. BTW, Insurance scam is one of the oldest scams on the books.

Another favorite Jewish scam is charity scams where "charity" donations become a tax deduction and are mostly returned to the "donor" by the "charity" as part of the scam. This is what has happened to a good portion of the $300+ BILLION of US tax payer money given to Israel since its existence, so it can be funneled back to US politicians who then do Israel's bidding. AIPAC needs to register as a foreign lobby and no dual citizenship in leadership or key government positions.

All wars are Banker Wars to create debt in all countries involved, to force them to use and borrow the Banker's currency, to remove leaders who are a threat to their currency and financial dominance, to cause mass migration and conflict between Christians and immigrants, to bomb churches, mosques, and temples, and to kill Christians and other non-Jews.

Jewish Banker JP Morgan conspired to send the Lusitania, loaded with US passengers and tons of munitions, unescorted into KNOWN German U-boat waters to get America into WW1. This was after the Duke of Austria-Hungary was assassinated to drag Germany into WW1.

The Germans took back their nation in the 1930s and were good people. The UK goaded Poland into murdering thousands of Germans in Danzig, and when Hitler intervened, UK and France declared war on Germany. The UK started WW2 b/c Germany was a threat to World Finance with their State owned, non-usury, financial system that resulted in the "German (economic) Miracle", Germans absolutely dominating the 1936 Olympics, and Hitler being named Time Magazine's Man of the Year in 1938. German economy and society proved to be superior to Banker Crony Capitalism and Bolshevik Communism, both lead by Jews.

Germans were smeared by Western and Bolshevik propaganda before, during, and after WW2, that including manufacturing the Holocaust LIE. The true holocausts were when the Bolsheviks murdered 60 million mostly Orthodox Christian Russians and Ukrainians and when the US, UK, and Bolsheviks murdered, tortured, and raped 12 million German civilians.

The CIA and Mossad killed JFK and did 9/11. Wake the fuck up !!!

LBJ and Israel tried to MURDER 294 sailors on the USS Liberty to blame on Egypt and get America into the war.

Nixon, known for his distrust of Jews and for rightly questioning their loyalty, was setup by Deep State Jews and Media co-conspirators, i.e. Bernstein . Every Single Time.

The Trump impeachment conspirators: Yovanovitch, Sundland, Vindman, and Adam Schiff, all Jews.

Banker support of the Vietnam War with their ally LBJ, drained the US Treasury and forced Nixon to take America off of the Gold standard, to the benefit of the Jewish Bankers, who were now unrestricted in printing money and destroying America from within with debt, while you people sit back and let it happen and spew bullshit like Israel is our greatest ally and we must support these genocidal degenerates, with ZERO lineage to the Middle East, b/c they call themselves Jews, stole Palestine, and called it Israel.

Are you still as unaware about these TRUTHS as you were during COVID? Do you think that was the first time you were massively LIED to by the Media, the Government, and US institutions.

FFS, stop being so gullible, please.

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