sui generis living breathing sovereign humans = consciousness 63

3 days ago

if sun is the true source of heat then if the sun moving few degrees north & south become the difference between summers & winters then why winter days are colder in the presence of the sun while summer nights are warmer in the absence of the sun ?

if sun is the true source of heat and the earth is tilted on it's axis then how come summers in the arctic & antarctic regions are far colder than the tropical regions if the arctic & antarctic regions are facing the sun during their summers ?

if sun is the true source of heat and it is millions of miles away from the earth then how come heat from the sun can travel millions of miles through freezing vacuum of space unaffected while few 1000 meters of altitude on earth can become the difference between 0 & 40 celsius

if space is real then how can stars being millions of degrees hot even exist & remain burning hot in the freezing vacuum of space same like burning hot cinders being found within glaciers ?

if gravity is real then how can gravity of the sun hold the nearest planets around the sun in the same way it does the furthest planets it is the same like feeling the heat of a fire in the same way regardless of being next to the fire or being miles away from it ?

god & it's relatives = jesus mohammad moses krishna buddha are scams while the ruling satans are real women get tortured raped prostituted murdered non stop but god is all powerful great benevolent in control makes so much sense

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