Preventing Rheumatoid Arthritis, Autoimmune Conditions: The Role of Oral Health

2 months ago

Preventing Rheumatoid Arthritis Autoimmune Conditions Inflammatory Bowel Disease: The Role of Oral Health

00:00 Autoimmune Conditions And The Importance of GI Health
Rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune conditions, and inflammatory bowel disease. We know that all of these begin with and are worsened by an unhealthy GI tract, gastrointestinal tract. I say from tongue to tail. It's actually more accurate to say from nose and tongue to tail. Be that as it may, we know that treating autoimmune conditions such as these that I've just described, and others, is only improved by focusing on the GI tract.
Actually, some of the other conditions we've talked about, that's true as well. But none less so than these three: rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disease, and inflammatory bowel disease.

00:43 Link Between Oral Health and Autoimmune Conditions
So, for many years, we focused on improving GI health without appreciating the fact that when we have an unhealthy mouth, and when we have these pathogens and bacteria and unhealthy microorganisms that we're swallowing every day, we will never get someone where they need to be and keep them there in terms of these autoimmune conditions, rheumatoid heart arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease, without also performing a spit test and addressing the unhealthy mouth.

01:12 Benefits of a Healthy Mouth
So, I'm so glad that you're having this test done because whether you have these conditions or not, improving the health of your mouth will reduce the likelihood that in the future, you have an autoimmune condition, rheumatoid arthritis, or inflammatory bowel disease.
You may see your GI tract become healthier or feel better if you have any GI symptoms currently.

01:33 Overall Health Improvement
And whether you do or you don't, you need to have a healthy mouth in order to have a healthy GI tract, so your health will improve.

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