i actually didn't mess up my method this time *WARNING: kid voice

4 months ago

i've stated in previous videos that imma use stickers
i dunno what keys i'm playing
jesus stickers, how apropo
white jesus in nazareth stickers
i have the tendency to do just that whenever i think i found a fix
back to the same old shit, typical typical
i didn't get these at my church, i don't recall who gave these to me
i've played THESE chords so many times
from here on out no mishaps (we hope)
it's silly for me think that we won't make a mistake from now on but that's a lie that i tell myself over n over again, i know i'm full a shit haha
why would i do that...is it human nurture (ag's interpretation)
focusing on sin doesn't help, just knowing that you ain't shit is the most important thing
who doesn't love their lies tho
just trying to take what's bad n make it good
i thought that's what i should do w/ my life, is that dumb or what
i got bonafide! intentions
there are lotza people w/out good intention
i wish i could say that i see thru them all
sometimes they can fool me too but not for as long as they do everyone else i guess
this really ain't a contest, i promise
not trying to compete w/ you, not sumin i could do anyway
not trying to make you agree or see what i see
i like the way that this sounds, i keep the tempo miraculously
why would you keep trying if it ain't working
i never try to get drunk people sober
i won't try to convince anyone of anything, i just try to be the best example of what i believe in
it doesn't mean shit if you don't figure it out yourself
i wouldn't try to make anybody come to my church
back door bitch
comedy just made sense cos everything i do i am reluctant about
i am definitely doin it for the right reason alright

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