Keto Diet Explained: Low-Carb Diet, Intermittent Fasting, and Exercise

3 months ago

There are several ways to get into ketosis and the best way to get into ketosis is to use three of these and a fourth one every now and then.

00:09 Intermittent Fasting Tips

First of all, intermittent fasting. So, we do recommend that you narrow the window in which you eat. We'll talk more about intermittent fasting on another video. But first, move your breakfast to 30 minutes or an hour later, and stop eating supper 30 minutes to an hour before you normally would. It's ideal to stop eating 3 hours before you go to bed if possible.

So, start to narrow your window of eating down to 12 hours and 10 hours. The ideal eating window is maybe occasionally one meal a day, that's really not a great idea for long term. So, eating twice or at the most three times, but within let's say a 14 hour window, 12 is fine, 16 is fine. You can even go narrower than that if you want to, but you have to test it to see what you feel your best at. I would say less than 16 hours at least. Less than 12 is really my preference, but not for everyone, not the preference of everybody.

01:10 Low Carb Diet Insights
So again, talk about these things in more detail, but intermittent fasting, low carb. So, at first you can go no carb, or you can start with 30 carbs, or you can start with 10 carbs. I don't like to count things, but once you know your favorite carbohydrates or things that you do want to incorporate into your diet, like, let's say, blueberries or something like that, or you do occasionally like tomatoes or a salad.

Once, you know the carb amount on those things, then it's really still very freeing. It's not measuring and weighing and calculating anything. Focus on protein and fat and then have a few healthy carbs if you want. It's very individualist how many you'll be able to take and still stay in ketosis. And so, we recommend starting with 30 or less, and you can eliminate carbs altogether if you want to. You can go totally carnivore if you want to. Again, another topic for another day.

02:09 Exercise and Activity
And then the 3rd way that you move yourself more towards ketosis is to be active and to exercise. So, athletes, for example, can stay in ketosis and still eat a few more carbs than other people because they are burning so much fuel for example. It's not necessary. They can still get what they need from fat and protein, but in the middle of a race or on some occasion or during certain situations, athletes will use carbohydrates. A lot of them use it a lot and they can still stay in ketosis, depending on the situation.

So, those are the 3 ways: intermittent fasting, low carb or no carb, and then exercise will move you towards ketosis as well; activity and muscle building. It can be cardio and/or muscle building type activity.

So, if you do all three, that's the best. Intermittent fasting, low carb or no carb, and stay active on a daily basis with at least walking moderately for 20, 30, 45 minutes, an hour, however long you want to. Moderately to a little bit moderate to high, not just a stroll, but any movement is helpful. That stroll is not enough to keep you in top shape at all or to keep you healthy, but any movement is better than no movement and sitting all day like many times we do. That sitting is the new smoking. It's dangerous for your heart. Again, a topic for another day.

Okay. So back to ketosis. We've talked about intermittent fasting. We've talk about low carb or no carb, and we've talked about exercise and activity.

03:49 Exogenous Ketones Explained

The fourth, it's not really a way to get into ketosis, but sort of a cheat code, if you will, is to have some exogenous ketones. That just means it's not ketones in your food that you take in, but it's ketones that your liver makes naturally from lowering your carbohydrate intake. When the liver is creating ketones, it tells us that you are in a fat burning mode, but you can take a ketone drink and there's one that is very clean and very pure. That doesn't have additives and food dye or, you know, colorings in it. It doesn't have toxic ingredients. It doesn't have artificial sweetener and it doesn't have sugar and I like it. A lot of people don't. But anyway, we can tell you which ones. There's 2 or 3 others that are probably okay. I've only tasted one other and I didn't like it. This other one is my favorite. And there are 2 or 3 that I still need to taste that would probably be okay as well.

So anyway, if you drink ketones, then it can just help you move further into ketosis. You can't just drink enough ketones to get into ketosis, especially if you're eating too many carbs. So, the reason, really, to use ketones out of a bottle is to help your brain function.

This is Dr Gina saying goodbye, and thank you for listening.

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