Keto Diet Explained: How To Get Started | Dr Gina Pritchard

9 hours ago

Hi, everyone. I'm Dr Gina Pritchard, and today I want to talk about the ketogenic lifestyle, the ketogenic diet, keto, or therapeutic nutritional ketosis. So, keto or the keto diet is trendy and it's been trendy off and on since the 1980s when Dr Atkins, at least that's where I first heard about the keto lifestyle or the keto diet was from Dr Atkins original work and books. And I lost weight in college and felt great following his plan. However, I've learned so much since then, and I realized now that a lot of what I was eating was helping my body, but at the end, definitely helping my body by lowering my carbohydrate intake. But also, I was putting toxins in my body by using some of the Atkins bars and Atkins products at the time.

So, today I want to clear up some confusion. And if you want to feel great, if you want to look great, if you want to perform better and have bliss in life, able to focus on the things that are most important to you because your health is so great, then listen up because I want to tell you what indeed are the benefits of a ketogenic lifestyle, of the ketogenic diet, and what is it is where I'll start.

01:21 Understanding Ketosis

So, it essentially is putting your body into a state of moderate ketosis, meaning your liver is producing ketones, and when your liver produces ketones, it's an indication that you have moved away from using sugar or carbohydrates or glucose for fuel to perform and to do the things you need to do throughout the day. But rather now you've turned into a fat burning machine which is a good thing. Your body burns excess fat on your body when you're in ketosis.

And so you get into ketosis by lowering or eliminating your carbohydrate intake. There are people that get upset about eliminating an entire macro group, eliminating the carbohydrates. Well, that's not exactly what I'm saying. You can have some carbohydrates if you want.

02:13 Therapeutic Nutritional Ketosis Guidelines

But here are the therapeutic nutritional ketosis guidelines that Dr Gina recommends.

Number one, eat only real food, meat, plants, fruits and vegetables, and some people can get away with some dairy, but you want high quality, full fat dairy, like heavy whipping cream or full fat, plain yogurt. It's not easy to find, but there are some out there. And you want good, healthy fats which is the fat that comes from animal sources only such as beef broth, beef tallow, lard, butter is fine, and avocado oil and olive oil. Leave everything else alone, everything else, unless it comes from an animal or it's avocado oil or olive oil.

So, if you focus on real food and you focus on eating it in a delicious way, we have some great recipes, but not adding things to it that then make a delicious, real food that's nutritious for your fat burning body into a toxin because you've put something on it or in it or with it that is not in line with the therapeutic nutritional ketosis lifestyle.

So, you start by eliminating everything from your kitchen. We have a kitchen clean out or pantry clean out night when we start a new ketogenic program. And you throw away everything but what I've just talked about. Protein, fat, and then if you want some vegetables and fruit, those would be your carbohydrates and some very specific dairy products if you tolerate dairy okay. I also have a few other recommendations for items that you can have that don't have carbs in them, but they can add to the enjoyment of this type of lifestyle.

00:04:12 Health Benefits of Ketosis

So anyway, why would you want to do this? Why would you want to lower your carbohydrate intake and get into ketosis? One is just for overall health. We know that running on your excess body fat and running with ketones in a moderate range, your brain works better, your organs work better, your body works better. It's a healthy lifestyle.

So, not only is it great for overall health, but it's great for weight loss. So, it's great for long term weight loss. Whenever you get into ketosis, you feel so good and the weight, particularly the excess body fat, not just any kind of weight, but it's most important what makes up that weight that you see on the scale and you want to have plenty of muscle on your body, and very little fat, certainly no excess fat. So, weight loss, easy weight loss and long term weight loss is definitely possible on the ketogenic lifestyle.

05:12 Metabolic Health and Insulin Sensitivity

I would recommend that you decide to do it for 90 days. Just decide you're going to do it for 90 days. This is Dr Gina saying goodbye, and thank you for listening.

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