9月2日贵州,爷爷带着留守孙女来报名缴费,从兜里掏出的学费几块几毛,孙女哭着对爷爷说:读书要这么多钱 我们回去不读了。

27 days ago

September 2, Guizhou, grandfather with left-behind granddaughter to enroll in the payment of fees, out of the pockets of the tuition a few dollars and cents, granddaughter cried and said to her grandfather: reading to be so much money, we go back and do not read.
9月2日贵州,爷爷带着留守孙女来报名缴费,从兜里掏出的学费几块几毛,孙女哭着对爷爷说:读书要这么多钱 我们回去不读了。

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