Trump speaks after 2nd attempt

3 months ago

credit to professor Nez on YouTube. president Trump gave an interview to whom I'm not sure but he States his experience after for the second time someone tried to assassinate him. I'm not going to discuss the shooter. it's not about him. it's about the fact that you cannot kill a belief. MAGA is not a person but an inspiration and a movement by the American people to make America great again! I pray for my president and he will be our president once again God willing. please take note on how this secret service agent ran to the gun that he spotted in the bushes. he didn't run away he didn't duck and cover! and to the woman who had the intelligence and bravery to recognize that something was wrong and took pictures of his license plate and reported it right away I thank you both from the deepest feelings of my heart. please know that a nation is grateful for your actions and bravery. there are not many like you in this world and I cannot say that I would do the same. in hindsight I would absolutely be proactive and help any way I could. there is no doubt that this man loves this nation and the people in it. there is nothing beside of death that will stop this man and I am eternally grateful for that. we will not let you succeed and you can never ever kill the American Spirit. godspeed Mr President may the Lord keep you and bless you and watch over you and protect you.

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