Catholic At War on the Private Individual Running Ministry Targeting Brother Ebuka Obi

29 days ago

I give a special greeting to our Lord Bishop, a bishop of our dioceses. We heard what our Lord Bishop shared as a message, and due to the situation at hand, we have seen a lot of videos circulating on the internet because of what happened in Mala. My Lord Bishop, I stand with you that people should be submissive to the church's authority. However, with due respect, we have to bring fairness to our journey. It's a race, and we have to help ourselves. There are areas the church authority should look into and address to prevent further abuses.

Revelation says that we should give ears to what the Spirit says to the churches. My question is this, my Lord Bishop: Is everyone in the church authority under the influence of the Holy Spirit? Because that bothers me. There is a discrepancy that needs to be addressed. There is a profanity of what we profess. It's like we are running the congregation at a certain level that even native doctors now interpret the Bible for some church members. What a decay. Many men of God now get angry about certain issues, but they don't get angry about the level of immorality that is in the air. The authority needs to be aggressive about soul-winning, and the members should also apply obedience. It's very important.

Let's not forget that aggrandizement is the act of increasing or expanding the power or status of something or someone. It can also refer to making someone seem more important or powerful than they actually are.

There are some factors that give room to abuses in the church. May I itemize a few of them? First, money has taken the center of the message in most churches. Everyone knows that. Second, politicians use the church as a campaign arena. Third, immorality has tarnished the sanctity of our worship, desecrating the holy of holies.

I was frustrated by some priests but I refused to leave the church. My Lord Bishop, remember that our Lord said that his sheep are like sheep without a shepherd. I think it is high time the church authority gave attention to some individuals in the churches for dialogue. Even God himself gave Abraham room for dialogue. This is the period the church should give attention to the members, the key players. That is my humble opinion.

Let's not forget that if you give your sheep good food and allow the sheep to go out, the sheep will return because there is better food at home. But in all cases, I suggest we have to put our heads together as shepherds, both the religious and the apostolate, for the success of our mission. Thanks for listening to my speech. May God bless you all!

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