Young Thug YSL Trial: 2015 Drive-By Shooting - Officer Reveals Critical Witness Account

5 months ago

On September 16, 2024, officer Adrian Pitts testified about a drive-by shooting that occurred in April 2015. The officer described a witness who identified the suspect as a Black male with dreadlocks and provided details about the vehicle involved. Some YSL associates are believed to be linked to the shooting.

Rapper Young Thug, who faces nearly a dozen charges including drug and weapon possession and conspiracy under Georgia’s RICO Act, was arrested in May 2022 alongside 27 alleged gang members. Many of those defendants have since accepted plea deals.

#2015DriveByShooting #PoliceTestimony #TrueCrime #OfficerTestimony #YSLAssociates #YoungThugCase #GangActivity #RICOAct #CriminalInvestigation #WitnessDescription #DriveByShooting #CrimeCase #CourtroomTestimony #TrueCrimeUpdates #CrimeDetails #ShootingInvestigation #GangConnections #LawEnforcement #CriminalCharges #CaseRevealed #JusticeSystem #WitnessAccount #CrimeDocumentary #PoliceEvidence #YSLGang #ShootingSuspect #YSLTrial #RICO #YSLYoungThus #YoungThug #Trial

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