Article 5012 Video - A Go Figure Quote from RFK, Jr. and Comment on "Military Gesara" Anna Von Reitz

22 days ago

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Article 5012 Video - A Go Figure Quote from RFK, Jr. and Comment on "Military Gesara" - Monday, September 16, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

"The vaccine companies are making $60 Billion a year selling mandatory vaccines.....They are also making $500 Billion a year selling epi pens, inhalers, anti-seizure medications, diabetes and arthritis meds, etc. Virtually all the medications they sell are targeted to treat diseases that are listed as side effects of the vaccines on their own manufacturer's inserts. It's the perfect business model. They make us all sick and create lifetime customers." --- RFK, Jr.

The same logic applies to the Covid Injections which served many purposes: (1) create a new class of humans called "transhumans" who would have no "human rights" or natural rights at all, but would be owned by the mRNA patent holders --- DARPA, which would be able to sell the victims as slaves, use them as lab rats, and dispose of them as property however this evil agency might wish; (2) create a silent surveillance interface to track everything about everyone who took the shot -- their exact location, their biometric markers, their emotions, and to some extent, their thoughts, creating the ultimate invasion of privacy; (3) a cocktail of poisons, nanobots, and harmful drugs calculated to greatly increase customer traffic at hospitals and clinics over the next seven to ten years, and gradually kill two-thirds of our population; (4) invite all sorts of new immigrants to serve as "Americans" and give them the shots as they cross the border so that they also die within seven to ten years and leave their "estates" to the guilty mercenary corporations masquerading as our government.

Migrants not born on our land and soil could inherit estates, but never come back on the Perps and claim back their reversionary trust interest in the land and soil, because they had no trust interest to begin with. The Migrants now swarming our Southern Border are thus rendered mere "vehicles" to transmit American wealth to the Perpetrators, don't know they are being lured here, and don't know they are being injected with slow-motion-poisons and pollutants that will kill them within seven to ten years.

As an extra "bonus" their suffering and death will provide additional health and disease data and make sure that the for profit medical and pharmaceutical industries remain highly profitable for the next ten years.

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