BONGINO Sept.16, 2024 on A.A.#2

6 months ago

[ https/// ]
Where this cuts off, he calls out Chip Roy and others to do something NOW and goes OFF on media. He states that DJT will not make it, unless something is done immediately. Also shows a Lester Holt clip BLAMING D.J.T./ VANCE!
Dan has been hitting ⚾️ 1.000 [era] so far. 💯 Yah (God), protect them 🙏 continue to watch over, guide and protect POTUS45
Note: Trump + Pence = Trumpets ... Trump + Vance = ??
Trump = 5 Pence = 5 Vance = 5

A1 B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 G7 H8 I9
J10 K11 L12 M13 N14 O15 P16 Q17 R18
S19 T20 U21 V22 W23 X24 Y25 Z26 Ω27

T2 R9 U3 M4 P7 = 25 = 7 physical perfecting / spiritual rest

V4 A1 N5 C3 E5 = 18 = 9 end / new beginning

P7 E5 N5 C3 E5 = 25 = ?! (imitation? copy cat? fake? impostor?)

TRUMP + PENCE = 14 = 5 man/human five extremities/five senses
( imperfection ) < Do a chart and you will see.
TRUMP + VANCE = 16 = 7

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