We're Just One Micro Second to a New World, Not a Nuclear War.

5 months ago

From the history of (D)eep (U)nderground (M)ilitary (B)ases to the reason why innocent children are behind the wars of today, and have always been so. Including what the "weapon of mass destruction" within Iraq all those years ago actually was!

Recommendations as you watched this:-

Modern Day D.U.M.B's Vs Ancient D.U.M.B's Exposed to Public! https://rumble.com/v5e0ihw-modern-day-d.u.m.bs-vs-ancient-d.u.m.bs-exposed-to-public.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

THE LATEST! Why Ukraine, Russia & NATO? https://rumble.com/v5f1bz6-the-latest-why-ukraine-russia-and-nato.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

Tunnels 18 Levels Deep? https://rumble.com/v5epq3x-tunnels-18-levels-deep.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

The True USA/NATO War Rhetoric & False Narrative Plus... https://rumble.com/vv6owp-the-true-usanato-war-rhetoric-and-false-narrative-plus....html

The Forth Industrial Revolution Links The Great Reset to Human Control https://rumble.com/vy1lsh-huge-name-dropping-intel-the-forth-industrial-revolution-links-the-great-re.html

Full Documentary: UKRAINE ON FIRE (2016) Oliver Stone https://rumble.com/vy15vh-full-documentary-ukraine-on-fire-2016-oliver-stone.html

How Blackrock Will Head The Great Reset And Freeze YOUR Money https://rumble.com/vxm0gf-how-blackrock-will-head-the-great-reset-and-freeze-your-money.html

What You Should Know, Before Waving A Ukrainian Flag! https://rumble.com/vwfi3d-what-you-should-know-before-waving-a-ukrainian-flag.html

Plus over 170 more WOW Factor videos all here in one channel...

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[MIRRORED] from https://rumble.com/v5ec6dx-rescuing-children-from-deep-underground-military-bases.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp with thanks for sharing.

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