The everlasting covenant Waggoner Audio book 2 OF 2 Audiobook

2 months ago

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The everlasting covenant Waggoner 2 of 2 Audio book Stunning book on righteousness by faith message This is the message that most religious people on earth are missing The everlasting covenant Waggoner 2 of 2 One can be following all the rules but if they do not love others or keep those rules because of ulterior motives, then they are not converted and the heart can still be very wicked and keep the so called rules The everlasting covenant Waggoner 2 of 2 Earth last day bible channel pass it on to our friends

The everlasting covenant Waggoner Audio book This is a very special author Along with AT Jones AG Waggoner are the 2 messangers that God sent to give the loud cry and the righteousenss by faith message . What is the gospel of grace versus works ? Most churches give a corrupt righteousness by faith message , as they say we are saved by grace, then they say we do not need to obey or follow anything . Then they contradict themselves.

How much works saves us in the bible ? Because we are evil and cannot without God do good or obey his law. Then God can give us if we ask him his rigtheousness . The everlasting covenant Waggoner Audio book While the human being believes he is good and has good things in himself he is lost. This is the contidion of almost every christian, they are lost. Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

What is the gospel of grace versus works ? Most will say we are saved by grace, but they do not understand the message and they also say we are saved by works . It is a contradiction and they are confused and separated from Christ . As Paul says to Galatians they were separated from Jesus and the death of Jesus on the cros was of no effect for them .

How much works saves us in the bible ? Works do not save us , we work because we love God , No works we do come from us , they come from God . When we do the works ourselves, then they are as dirty rags. The everlasting covenant Waggoner Audio book This is the amazing true righteousness by faith message . Watch out channel Earth last day bible channel for more AT Jones and AG Waggoner amazing audio books .

What is the gospel of grace versus works ? Works are because we love God . But rhe human heart is so proud that he wants to believe that he is good and he has to do something for salvation . As for many people it is hard to believe that they are not good . It is hard for them to believe that they do not have to do anyting . How much works saves us in the bible ? And that the works they do do not help in anything in salvation .

The everlasting covenant Waggoner Audio book Like Paul said if it is by works, then it is no more of faith . If we are saved by faith then it is not of works . What is the gospel of grace versus works ? Once you realize you are evil then only God has rightouensess How much works saves us in the bible ? Asking God everyday to give you his rightouensss is the solution aond conversion . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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