Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey on "Larry King Live" discussing vaccines and autism

5 months ago

Jenny McCarthy: "Go back to the 1989 schedule when shots were only 10 and the MMR was on that list. I don't know what happened in 1990, there was no plague that was killing children that we had to triple the amount of vaccines."
Jim Carrey: "What happened after 1989, that warranted 26 more vaccines? Are all of them absolutely necessary?"
Jenny McCarthy: "Back in 1989 the shot schedule was 10 shots given."
Jim Carrey: "It's twice as many as anywhere else in 30 countries in the Western world. But we give twice as many shots as any of those countries. Why is that?
I don't think we can afford to assume that the people who are charged with our public health any longer have our best interest at heart all the time. Parents have to make their own decisions, educated decisions. They have to look at the information."
Jenny McCarthy: "Space out the vaccines, delay them till after one, clean out the toxins that are in them."
Jim Carrey: "The AAP is financed by the drug companies, medical schools are financed by the drug companies. This is a huge business. Vaccines are the largest growing division of the pharmaceutical industry. $13 billion they control medical schools...
What we're asking is for them to take a loss for the good of our children. That's a tough sell in a boardroom."

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