What. The. HELL?! What Former FBI Dir. Just Said About Ryan Routh Is The Most ALARMING Detail Yet

5 months ago

Posted • September 16, 2024: Turns out Trump playing golf yesterday, you know, when he was shot at AGAIN, was not anywhere on his public schedule. So how the Hell did Ryan Routh know he'd be there? Seems a pretty simple question, yeah? Was he stalking the president? Following him around? Or did someone tell him Trump would be there and when? WE KNOW, even saying (writing?) that out loud sounds crazy but his just happening to be there when Trump happened to be playing a round of golf at the last minute just doesn't make sense. This former assistant FBI Director seems to think so as well: 🚨 WOW: Former assistant FBI Director says Ryan Routh made have had INSIDE INFORMATION on Trump’s private schedule. This is a terrifying thought. Especially given Trump’s golf outing was a “last minute decision.” Florida must investigate—not the FBI. -- See what we mean? WTF?!

I want to know how this individual was able to find out EXACTLY when and where Donald Trump would be at that specific moment. There is a rat inside the Trump campaign, placed there by the deep state. Trump is not safe. Two different assassination attempts in two months. No, Trump is not safe. Not even a little bit. I don't trust the FBI. *adjusts tin foil hat* (…)

• More at: Twitchy - What. The. HELL?! What Former FBI Dir. Just Said About Ryan Routh Is the Most ALARMING Detail Yet

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