Oct. 22, 1964 | Herbert Hoover Funeral

1 month ago

Oct. 22, 1964 - Led by President Johnson and Senator Barry Goldwater, the city of his last years bade goodbye to Herbert Hoover in a solemn funeral service today.
For today, the bitterness of the political campaign was stilled. Both of the major Presidential candidates went to St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church to pray for the nation’s 31st President, who died in New York last Tuesday at the age of 90.
Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 74 years old, was unable to attend the service when he suddenly became ill at his home in Gettysburg, Pa.
Eisenhower went to Washington, where he was admitted to Walter Reed General Hospital for what was described as a painful cough and inflammation of his windpipe. The illness may keep him there a week or 10 days.
Former President Harry S. Truman, 80, left a Kansas City, Mo., hospital for his home in Independence, Mo., yesterday after receiving treatment for injuries suffered in a fall at home on Oct. 13. Mr. Truman designated his daughter, Margaret, and her husband, Clifton Daniel, the managing editor of The New York Times, to represent him at the memorial ceremony.
In addition to President Johnson, Sen. Hubert Humphrey, the Democratic candidate for Vice President, attended. On the Republican side, in addition to Goldwater, were Rep. William E. Miller, the Vice‐Presidential nominee, and two former Presidential candidates, Thomas E. Dewey and Richard M. Nixon.
Among others who had attended the service was Robert F. Kennedy, who is a Democratic Senatorial candidate. Kennedy and his wife, Ethel, and his mother, Mrs. Rose Kennedy, sat in a middle pew on the family side of the aisle. Kennedy was applauded by a crowd outside when he left the church.

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