REPOST: March 25th 2020- Russian Military Intelligence Colonel warns early about the Zionist CV19 agenda

22 days ago

March 20th 2020
Vladimir Kvachkov- Former Colonel of the Military Intelligence Service
PHD in Military science. Military Intelligence Officer. Asked about the CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC. The CORONA VIRUS phenomena that they falsely deem a pandemic needs to be examined from the perspective of GLOBAL POWERS. And let me tell you, there is NO pandemic. It is all a LIE. It needs to be considered as a global strategic special operation. These are COMMAND & STAFF exercises of the worlds behind-the-scenes powers on controlling humanity. This is what the goal of this corona virus is. So the AIM of the behind-the-scenes ZIONIST and FINANCIAL POWERS is reducing the worlds population. They think there is too many of us ordinary people in the world. There should be around 100 MILLION of their own and a maximum of 1 BILLION people on Earth to serve them. Then they will be living in ABUNDANCE here on earth. That is why the CORONA VIRUS and the FINANCIAL CRISIS that has emerged almost immediately as they are inextricably tied to one another. The AIM is to stop peoples movements around the world and to curtail political freedoms.

The first attempt to take away those rights from people happened on September 11th 2001. After the so called World Trade Center Towers attack, the PENTAGON and the WHITEHOUSE declared a GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM. The behind-the-scenes world powers created the events of September 11th 2001. Now they need a greater excuse for greater control and takeover of humanity. That is how they came up with the with the coronavirus. Even now, I literally look at the data this morning, 300 people in the world die from it daily. 300 people across 7.5 billion people is basically NOTHING. These COMMAND & STAFF exercises of the behind-the-scenes world powers have an AIM to limit different political rights and make people AFRAID. The FOOLS are already grabbing FOOD in the shops here, Millet, buckwheat, toilet paper etc... WHY? The Goal is to SCARE PEOPLE. Once again, these are COMMAND & STAFF exercises of the behind-the-scenes ZIONIST and FINANCIAL LIBERAL WORLD POWERS with the AIM of limiting the political rights that people are accustomed to having. Especially in WESTERN EUROPE.

The FIRST GOAL is to reduce the population numbers on Earth. That is their SATANIC GOAL. The SECOND political GOAL of the behind-the-scenes world power is to SEIZE POWER and their THIRD GOAL is related to FINANCES and power over the ECONOMY. Now, for every product that exists, lets say this PENCIL costs $1, it was issued 20 TIMES the amount in money, promissory notes, equity and other financial derivatives. That means if you take the real value of this pencil at $1, it comes with different papers that carry 20 TIMES the value. All the financial and economic relations have gone from the REAL ECONOMY to the VIRTUAL ECONOMY. It is a FINANCIAL BUBBLE that exists now which encompasses $1.2 QUADRILLION. It is a complete financial bubble and it needs to be DEFLATED. The US Federal Reserve System just issued 0% interest on deposits. In other countries it is negative interest as you get less than you originally put in.

The Corona Virus ALLEGED started in China and the Chinese are adamant that the corona virus was created artificially. It has an ARTIFICIAL ORIGIN and has been proven scientifically already. And when you take the RNA MOLECULE, not DNA, they have RNA and that is part of the GENOME that has clearly been carved out and another one inserted in its place and this happens 3 or 4 times. The Chinese scientists have figured this out as it was artificially created and spread initially in WUHAN China. They had 2 kinds, 2 viral strains. And now what about Italy? What happened there? How come a strain that is even more dangerous than the Chinese one suddenly appears in Italy? 1000 people have died already in Italy but again, 100 TIMES more die in Italy from the FLU, PNEUMONIA, SCROFULA, and HEPATITUS. But we don't talk about that and instead we are being serves special political information propaganda, psycho-informative propaganda. Special psycho-informative operation of the world globalist MASS MEDIA that is serving the behind-the-scenes ZIONIST LIBERAL POWERS that are creating this terror now. Now THEY are looking and who is obeying and who is not. This is my assessment of the current epidemic.

Now, the main efforts of the behind-the-scenes world powers are focused on causing disruption in China and Western Europe. And Russia is their target on 2 accounts: They want to reduce our population numbers and to cleanse the territory. That is still to come. I am of course no epidemiologist although you could say I am a parasitologist because you have to be one in order to understand the power structure in Russia. Until we are able to get rid of our internal parasites who rule over us, we won't be able to tackle other parasites.


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