History of the sabbath Andrews audiobook 1 of 2

5 months ago

Original audio https://ellenwhiteaudio.org/
History of the sabbath Andrews audiobook 1 of 2
history of the seventh day sabbath in the bible
should christians today keep the sabbath day

History of the sabbath Andrews audiobook 1 of 2 This is fascinating as we learn here that the sabbath was kept in many countries acounr the world in the middle ages Most people do not know and many preachers say that the catholic church is the true church that followed the apostles this is not true Annie Smith was the sister of Uriah Smith the writer of the immensly amazing book Daniel and the Revelation .

She was in love with JN Andrews the writer of this book . Sadly JN Andrew this mighty bible teacher was in love with someone else. Ellen g White says that Annie Smith who was an amazing songwriter and poet died partly of a broken heart.
The writed of this book is one of the giants of the bible in the last 200 years .

This is te fascinating story of paganism which entered in the church and instrodiced pagan beliefs without almost any christians knowing about it today . The history of the seventh day sabbath in the bible when did it start ? At creation for us . Then does it mean that Adam and Eve kept the sabbath ? Yes as without law there is no knowledge of good and evil. W eknow evil and good existed in the times of Adam as Cain was punished by God for killing his brother .

History of the sabbath Andrews audiobook The Waldenses are traced back to the first century and were converts of Paul in Rome they fled to the mountains because of persecution they kept the sabbath all throughout the middle ages History of the sabbath Andrews audiobook a fascinating book that sheds much light on the bible We are not saved by keeping the sabbath We also cannot be saved by disobeying God We obey because we love God not to be saved What is the History of the sabbath of J N Andrews about?

And a good question to ask is should christians today keep the sabbath day ? Yes but wasn t the law done away with ? No because Sin is the breaking of the law. Says 1 JN 3 4 If there was no law, there would be no sin . If there was no law, then Jesus would not have needed to die on the cross . As there would be no sin to forgive. Sin is the transgression of the 10 commandments.

1 JN 3 4 'Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.' Without the law of God there would be no sin . If there is no speed limit nobody can drive too fast.
JAMES 12 'So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. ' We shall all appear befor eGod to answer for our world actions thoughts . But the true christian is the one who has received righteousness by faith . God does the work through him .

The History of the sabbath J N Andrews audiobook tells us that Jesus died for us and we are saved by grace. But all honest people recognize what truth is Cain worshipped God Cain went to church every week . Cain read his bible . But in the history of the seventh day sabbath in the bible we learn that the Cain of today do what they want and still call themselves christians . If a church changed all the truth God gave her and starts to teach pagan and Satanic beliefs she can no longer be called the church of God .

Thus yes should christians today keep the sabbath day as God never changes When bible says let no one judge you of sabbath days . We fond out this is talking about plural sabbath days, they refer to yearly sabbath days found in leveticus 23 this is the law of ordinances not the 10 comandments. When it says Jesus is the end of the law, it also says You have heard of the patience of Job and has seen THE END of the Lord that the Lord is very pitify and of tender mercy .

Did Jesus end ? No then the meaning of the word in 1611 when the King james was written is you have seen the fulfillment of the end goal of Jesus . It is not saying the la ended . But Jesus dying on the cross . Now we can have his righteousness so that he does the works through us . Like suscribe and thank you for watching Earth last day bible channel


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