Time Magazine Featured Trump's Assassination Attempt on 9/11 Ethiopian New Year's Day

1 month ago

🛑 This Time Magazine of Trump in a Golf Cart, Was Published on 9/11

😈 The Union of Ishmael and Esau that is shaking the world continues!

❖ April 4, 2024: Earthquake Strikes New York City on The Middle of the Luciferian UN Security Council Meeting On Gaza / Middle East (Israel after the Flesh). The Epicenter: Lebanon (Trump’s golf course)
❖ The Spiritual Roots of The Moscow Terrorist Attack: Why Was March 22 Chosen? + Trump's Dilemma

በአክሱም ጽዮን ላይ (ታቦተ ጽዮንን ፍለጋ) የዘር ማጥፋት ጦርነቱ የተጀመረው ለእባቧ ግብጽ እና ለአረመኔው ግራኝ አብዮት አህመድ አጋሯ ድጋፍ ሲሰጡ የነበሩት ፕሬዝደንት ትራምፕ በአሜሪካው ፕሬዝደንታዊ ምርጫ ወቅት እንዲሸነፉ በተደረጉበት ዕለት ነበር። አጋጣሚ የሚባል ነገር የለም!

🛑 Donald Trump's Trouble is Linked to The Biblical Ark of The Covenant and Ethiopia
🛑 የዶናልድ ትራምፕ ችግር ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱሳዊው ታቦተ ጽዮን እና ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር የተያያዘ ነው

❖ The path of the 2024 eclipse will CROSS Makanda = MECCAnda (Mecca) – Wakanda = Axum / Ethiopia. Mecca will be destroyed by the Holy CROSS!

❖ Exactly a year ago, April 4, 2023
On November 4, 2020, The genocidal war against Ethiopian Christians – that was green-lighted by Trump – sealed the fate of President Trump: he lost the manipulated US Election. Obama + Biden stole the election!

❖ DONALD Wiseman, biblical scholar, archaeologist and Assyriologist.

❖April 5: Donald Trump hosted Saudi-Barbaria-backed LIV Golf tourney in Lebanon

❖ Donald Trump said he loves Saudi Arabia at Aramco Team Series.

Donald Trump's first foreign trip as president started in Saudi Barbaria. After the „Snake Poem„ that Trump's first foreign trip was to Saudi Arabia was unprecedented. And it was the first time a US president has chosen Saudi Arabia as the first stop on a maiden trip.

Esau assisting Ishmael through every possible means; Training and supplying with the latest military technology the Antichrist Ishmaeli Army, Miss Universe, 'Sportwashing': Golf + Football /Soccer + Soon Tennis etc.

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