Converging Apostasy: NAR and the New World Order - Episode 188 Branham Research Podcast

5 months ago

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Weaponized Religion: From Christian Identity to the NAR:

John and Steve exampine the convergence of religious extremism, particularly within the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), with various ideological movements. The speakers trace historical and modern examples of how pseudo-intellectualism, accelerationism, and spiritual warfare rhetoric have intertwined to create a dangerous and militant environment within certain religious groups. Drawing parallels between Christian identity movements, the occult, and figures like Steve Bannon and Alexander Dugin, the conversation reveals how political and religious figures have used apocalyptic language to stir unrest. This convergence is further explored through the lens of movements such as the Latter Rain and Christian identity, showing how these groups have influenced each other over time.

A significant focus is on the dangers of weaponizing religion for political purposes. The conversation delves into historical moments where religious leaders incited violence or radical beliefs, such as in the Pentecostal and Latter Rain movements, which were linked to Christian identity extremism. The discussion ultimately points to a continued merging of religious extremism with far-right ideologies, raising concerns about how the NAR's language and teachings could potentially fuel future violence or societal collapse. The fear of apocalyptic outcomes, race wars, and radical militant actions is shown as a recurring theme in both past and present religious movements.

00:00 Introduction
01:03 Weaponized Religion and New Book Release
03:00 Origins of Christian Identity and Sacred Purge
05:00 Accelerationism and Influence of Helena Blavatsky
06:38 Breakdown of Accelerationist Ideology and Examples
08:30 MKUltra, LSD, and Government Conspiracies
10:30 Christian Identity in the Latter Rain Movement
12:00 Themes of Destruction in Accelerationism
15:00 Occult Influences and Esoteric Teachings
17:40 The Gnostic Influence on NAR and Other Movements
20:00 Steve Bannon's Connections and the Role of Pseudo-Intellectuals
22:00 Neo-Nazism and Influence on Violent Extremism
25:00 Historical Figures: Wesley Swift and Aryan Nations
30:00 Comparing Christian Identity Themes in NAR
34:00 Joel's Army and Militant Language in Churches
40:00 Convergence of Christian and Gnostic Beliefs
45:00 Dangers of Weaponizing Religion for Political Ends
50:00 Science Fiction Influences on Religious Extremism
54:00 Closing Remarks about Pop Culture Influences

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