Testimonies to the church Volume 5 2 OF 3 Ellen G White audio

5 months ago

Testimonies to the church Volume 5 2 OF 3 Ellen G White audio
Original audio https://ellenwhiteaudio.org/
Ellen G White audiobook Testimonies to the church
Seventh day Adventist audiobook Ellen g White

Testimonies to the church Volume 5 2 OF 3 Ellen G White audio This 9 series of books called testimonies to the church is amazing brothers and sisters . As this is the science of knowing what sin is . Unless we know what sin is we cannot remove it from us . Some people see this as bad to know what sin is . But it is wonderful so that we can identify it . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Ellen G White audiobook Testimonies to the church When someone is rud eand unkind and nobody tells him it is bad he will contiue to be rude and unkind to people When when it is idetified as a sin then the righteousness of Jesus comes in to help us remove it . We do not cleanse ourselves God sanctifies us .

Seventh day Adventist audiobook Ellen g White We cannot do good we cannot remove evil from us .When we ask Jesus to give us his righteousness , then we can overcome sin by his power . In fact we do not do the works . Jesus does the works through us . Without me you can do nothing Jesus says .

Testimonies to the church Volume 5 2 OF 3 Ellen G White audio Unless you are connected to the vine you have no life in you . No sporitual life cna come with someone who is disconnected form Jesus . A nominal christian is a dead christian . Connection with Jesus comes with bible study , prayer and evangelism .

Ellen G White audiobook Testimonies to the church But connection with the power to overcome sin is found only in the righteousness of Jesus . We are saved without the works of the law . For what ? By the law is the knowledge of sin . Seventh day Adventist audiobook Ellen g White Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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