Why some people do not believe in God ? 1

3 months ago

Why some people do not believe in God ?
Why are some people atheists according to the bible ?
Does the bible explain why some people do not believe in the bible ?

Why some people do not believe in God ? Becaude they are not exposed to the bible , and because of dishonest hearts, because they want to follow the multitude, friends , family . Everybody has a descision to make to be for or against God . One thing i realized is that someone who does not read the bible , someone who does not go to church, someone who does not study the bible . Because faith in God comes from reading the bible .

Why are some people atheists according to the bible ? Someone who does not og the gym, huw much chance have they to become very muscular and huge ? Little chance or no chance . Someone who is constantly surounded by non christians and never reads the bible , they will have a faith so weak that will not be able to believe .

Does the bible explain why some people do not believe in the bible ? Yes This is why some people do not believe , the faith muscle is too weak to believe because they are never exposed to the bible . The bible tells us to read the bible daily So that our faith be strong enough to believe in Jesus .

Why some people do not believe in God ? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God . If we do not listen to the bible hradly one will believe unless God makes miracle . Why are some people atheists according to the bible ? Some people do not believe in the bible because of dishonesty Only honest people will accept the bible and dishonest will reject the bible .

Does the bible explain why some people do not believe in the bible ? People think it is a little matter to lie but it will destroy in your heart the ability to discern lie and truth, lying will kill all ability to know what the truth is . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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