The mark of the beast and the bible part 2

8 days ago

The mark of the beast and the bible part 2
What is the mark of the beast and how to avoid it ?
What is the method to avoid the mark of the beast in the bible ?

The mark of the beast and the bible part 2 To avoid the mark of the beast one needs to have the seal of God What is the seal of God ? The bible says that the seal of God is the sabbath We find in ezequiel 2à it says 'You shall keep the sabbath as it shall be a mark between me and you that you might know that i am the Lord that sanctifies you ' A mark needs to have the name title territory

What is the mark of the beast and how to avoid it ? The seal of USA is NAME Joe Biden TITLE president TERRITORY USA Where do we find the seal or mark of God in the bible ? We find in in the szbbath commandment
The saventh day is the sabbath of the Lord you God NAME GOD
For in six days he made TITLE CREATOR
The heavens the earth TERRITORY UNIVERSE
The seal or mark of God is the sabbath Thu the mark of the beast is sunday worship

What is the method to avoid the mark of the beast in the bible ? Believing in Jesus is the first step Then you go through sanctification Justification , you have the keys to the car Sacntification it is your fitness for heaven . When someone comes to Jesus and then refuises the truth Jesus gives then fall away from the truth . And are no more fit for heaven If they do not cleanse their defects of character they will not be fit for heaven Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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