We knew all along this was a colossal sham - Did you know?

1 month ago

Yes, We knew all along this was a colossal sham and still is.

Holy smokes—Senator Malcolm Roberts is absolutely setting fire to the global COVID fiasco! Buckle up, folks, because he’s not just talking the talk; he’s charging forward with a vendetta.

“People are starting to wake up—brace yourselves, because we’re coming for those responsible,” he declares with the kind of fiery intensity you’d expect from a dragon that’s just been told it can’t have dessert.

“And let’s be real,” he continues, “it’s painfully obvious that everyone’s been run over by a steamroller, and surprise, surprise—it’s been a worldwide operation.”

So, hold onto your hats and glasses, because Roberts is turning up the heat and calling out the global orchestrators of this grand circus.

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