Detecting Heart Attack Risk: The Essential 5 B's

3 months ago

Detecting Heart Attack Risk: The Essential 5 B's

These are the five B's that you need to understand to know if you are headed for a heart attack.

00:05 Heart Attack Risk: Breath
Breath. Are you breathing high quality oxygen through your nose day and night? This influences your heart and overall health greatly.

00:13 Heart Attack Risk: Biome
Biome. Is your oral biome or microbiome healthy or are there dangerous microorganisms lurking there?

00:19 Heart Attack Risk: Build Up
Build up. Do you have plaque build up in the walls of your heart arteries, coronary arteries and blood vessels?

00:26 Heart Attack Risk: Blood
Blood. Have you had your blood thoroughly tested for inflammation, oxidation and all the root causes and contributors to cardiovascular disease?

00:36 Heart Attack Risk: Body Biometrics
Body biometrics. Do you know your body composition? This includes muscle fat ratio, heart rate variability, daily ketone levels, daily glucose levels, blood pressure, sleep data, hand grip strength, and agility to name a few.

00:54 Early Detection Changes Your Future
Remember that detecting your risk for heart disease early can change your entire future. For more information, visit

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