4 months ago

The new consciousness right now is about the I am and while to some it may sound very selfish it is actually about discovering yourself Working on yourself is the greatest gift that you can give to humanity and that sounds so Self-centered and so negative, but that's how you've been conditioned

It is about putting yourself first loving yourself first Taking care of yourself first Having compassion with yourself first and knowing yourself first.

If you want to keep someone from accessing their own power and helping to heal the planet or helping to heal mass consciousness you're going to tell them that it's very selfish for them to look inside.

Instead of worrying or being afraid of what's going on in the world around you just focus on your own world.

Then and truly then you are able to help humans But you'll understand only humans that are choosing help.

Look at your issues. Where are your buttons being pushed? Where do you feel fear? Where do you feel that you shrink away? You know when you've got a fear All right. Many of you are quite aware of it and decide, you know, I really don't want to look at that And so you don't all right and you know what we're talking about There are times when you feel yourself tense up and you are conscious of it So it is a choice

Learn to be with yourself go off and take a month, 40 days perhaps as as Yeshua did go off by yourself and learn to be with you. Learn that you don't need to steal energy from anyone else.

There must be a balance between the intellect and what you would call the heart and That person who is balanced that human who is balanced will show you'll know them For they will seem to be more gentle, they seem to be more open and less judgmental This would be the balance you might say. Well, they are heart based. They are not they are balanced Never throw away what your truth is never throw away what your logic tells you, but temper it With the emotion of your heart and become balanced.

There's a big misunderstanding in society and in many cultures that if you're going to become spiritual You're gonna get real restricted and that's because of the old dogmas of different religions, different churches in different ways but spirituality itself is Not at all restricting in one's way of experiencing life. The true hunger For knowing one's own divine nature for experiencing one's own divine nature That true hunger can lead you into great discovery and great freedom great freedom.

Each of you standing alone is and fully Consciously aligned with your higher self is far more powerful than many millions who are living in fear or doubt or anger, one person.

There's a great sage who likes to say, if you want enlightenment, lighten up! and Certainly, so that is absolutely true. But we would suggest that One of the great secrets to lightening up is being willing to heal and transform one's angers and fears so that the joys can be fuller and richer and so that creation can become a very active principle in your life

the foundation of our work here with John Is Simply to encourage people to be joyful to find Good in the world around them, to look for it deliberately look for it Not just to stumble over it accidentally but to to look for the good First of all in themselves, to be appreciative for this gift of life That they have in these human bodies; all of you are physical extensions of your God selves. Be joyful be joy.

you know you all are beautiful beings of light all right, and we are very honored to have an opportunity to speak to you or to work with you and You really are very special and very rare this planet has some very beautiful things on it And the range and expression of love is amazing the kind you have a friend kind you have at the lover The kind you have with lifelong mate With your brother with your mother with your father they're varying shades and That is what is so special about the love on this planet. It's not like that Everywhere enjoy being human while you can Enjoy the things that the physical world has to offer; have fun, play, love, Laugh and allow new ideas and new inspiration to come in.

imagine yourself singing new songs creating music writing books painting pictures Imagine yourself waking up in the morning and looking forward to the day not how you're gonna get through the day Open yourself up now go beyond Don't be afraid of what you're gonna lose because you didn't need it anyway.

if you lift the veil and start to see All that is here What you're going to see is pure love What you're going to see within that is an uplifting potential spirit not only for you But those around you your life will change dramatically at that point at which you decide to eliminate drama Hook up to that which we would call the connection to the other side of the veil And I want you to know this dear human being It doesn't matter what religion you are on the planet. You can still be that and Love God in this way No matter what the doctrine is on the planet. You can still be that and love God in this way This is not climbing out of one box into another This is discovering the core issue and that is that you always have been and always will be in control of your life as a piece of God in this universe and so it is.

and So we thank you for the gift of sharing Because you allow us the gift of seeing through all of you That many more ways that creation has of expressing itself and it expands our understanding of all that is. So we simply extend our unconditional love our deep appreciation and heartfelt. Thanks for the co-creation of This transmission and we bid you a fond and exciting Good day. Thank you so much!

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