Government Thinks You're Stupid: TOTES Legit Anti-Haitian KKK Flyer Is Definitely Not A Fed Trap

5 months ago

Posted • September 16, 2024: There are many issues with the influx of Haitian immigrants in the small town of Springfield, OH. But they're no different than the issues faced by major cities like Chicago, New York, and Denver -- all of which are being crushed under the weight of a massive number of immigrants. The difference is Springfield is not a sanctuary city. The Biden-Harris administration just dropped 20,000 people into a town of 60,000 and expected the town to deal with it. They're not. There's been speculation about the Haitians killing and eating local wildlife and pets, and that remains speculation. But anyone who brings up those concerns or tries reporting on it is considered a racist and a liar. And, let's be real, any time the Left says something is a conspiracy theory that isn't happening, we've got about a month before we learn that thing that was made up by Right-wingers is actually happening. But we digress.

To that end, some interesting fliers have popped up around Springfield from the 'Trinity White Knights of the KKK'. They promise to 'stand against forced immigration' and if the flyer doesn't convince you that this is totally a fed operation, then calling the number of the form definitely will. This is the automatic voicemail you are sent to when you call the number on this flyer. Yeah, this is 100% a fed thing. It would take the Feds about 11 seconds to track down who that phone number and/or PO Box belong to if they had the least interest in doing so. Like the cipher that shot President Trump in the head, I’m not holding my breath to find out any actual details from them. In the blink of an eye, the media tracked down a guy who made a gif that hurt the feelings of CNN. The FBI/DOJ are still hunting down people related to January 6, 2021 nearly four years later. They could find these people if they wanted to. They don't. And we all know why.

This is NOT America First. Probably FBI. Wouldn't surprise us. Hope they're paying them overtime. -- Self addressed envelope… so you can then entrap yourself on a watch list and be interrogated. Nice. Yeah, do not do that. The FEDS are at it again. It's a trap. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Government Thinks You're Stupid: TOTES Legit Anti-Haitian KKK Flyer Is Definitely Not a Fed Trap

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