Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - NEW MAHA, MAGA Ad- Nicole Shanahan 9 13 2024

3 months ago

Lets ALL MAKE AMERICA Better Than it Ever Was Before...

The MAGA People was created by RFK jr's former VP running mate Nicole Shanahan. Bobby states "What a fascinating anthropological documentary! Quite accurate in my experience. With a mass movement behind us, President Trump and I will transform our food system. We will get the chemicals out of the water, air, food, and soil. We will drain the corruption out of the agencies that are supposed to protect the public. By 2028, I promise you, we will Make America Healthy Again".
Just remember what we have gone through to get here. It was STARTED by Bobby's Uncle John Fitzgerald Kennedy. It will be FINISHED by Donald J. Trump, and now in UNITY we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN. With the HELP of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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