Episode 89 - Who's At the Top of The UFO Pyramid? | Uncovering Anomalies Podcast (UAP)

5 months ago

Uncovering Anomalies Podcast (UAP) - Episode 89: "Who's at the Top of the UFO Pyramid" In this gripping episode, Adam and Topher take you through a journey of UFO secrets and power plays at the highest levels. Featuring discussions on Dick Cheney's alleged involvement, MJ12's operations, and personal accounts from key figures in the field. With a blend of historical analysis and contemporary reports, this episode is a must-watch for anyone intrigued by the ongoing UFO disclosures.

Full show notes here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12YLMMPDobxghYa9ddOanTFgYJIqS-zVUH1zXVc2VRCY/edit?usp=sharing


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