Techno Agency War Campaign Explained #1 Agents, Alex, The Elite & Their COMING Success

1 month ago

The Burial Tactic- vid at my other YTube channel- how they killed all my cats in Phoenix- The Tactic used- SOP-
25:15- My mother, points & examples of how clueless.
27:10- How they have affected me heavily in the last two months with specific people from Alt-Media, the FBI'S MOTIVES, what they are trying to accomplish & why. RNM misued for preventing interviews, and preventing naked exposure as a result.
39:30- One way German Agents screwed up. The experience of this technology is different than what German Clowns believe- yet they profile from here.....
42:16- ITS NOT THE VOICES communicating things, its the SCRIPTING instead- the OTHER SPECIAL EFFECTS- YOU ARE "SCRIPTED LIKE AN ACTOR ON A STAGE"- SCRIPTING IS LITERALLY AGENCY SLANG TERMINOLOGY FOR THIS TECHNOLOGY EFFECT. They push in feelings and viewpoints not yours and A FEELING OF INSTANT BELIEF, that what they communicate is real & true- you are affected & "effected" for what they want. They have you instantly believe and act from what they communicate. In one sense like instant hypnosis, except its instant hijacking & REMOTE CONTROL with technology. So ask yourself how SURREAL is this, and how noticeable. Yes its mind rape.

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