An Honest Discussion (Part 1) (July 2022)

5 months ago

Andrew and Tom call to complain about Andrew's recent fair hearing.

49:45 - Anthony (a New York state employee of Children and Family Services Bureau of Adult Services) speaks to Tom, stating that they are very aware of Andrew's case.
55:35 - Andrew: “APS in Buffalo has called me a fake and they think it's a sexual thing to need diapers and not a medical need they think I am faking my incontinence [...]"
56:50 Tom says that Andrew made 780 calls to the police.
1:06:06 Anthony states that Andrew has been offered "many, many" services and has refused them.
1:07:45 Anthony says the same thing- AD refused services.
1:12:15 AL says AD has no diagnosis of autism and has to get one.
1:25:00 We learn that Monsignor Carr (a Catholic Charity counseling service) discharged Andrew as he made everyone at their facility uncomfortable.
1:26:00 Andrew says his APS records from 2020 state that it was determined he was malingering and that he has a personality disorder.
At the last minute: something about AD and burning the house down
1:34:00 - Tom alludes to the fact that Andrew may have said something about burning down the house at some point in the past.

Part two of this video can be found on this channel as “An Honest Discussion (Part 2) (July 2022) originally titled as “Complaint to APS with dad's help. Part 2”

Original title: Complaint to APS with dad's help. Part 2 to come
Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: July 26, 2022

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