The Japanese INSANITY Of WW2 Fully Documented

5 months ago

The Full story of Japan's Wartime Exploits from 1937 to 1945.


0:00 2nd Sino-Japanese War
7:47 Japanese Supremacy
8:18 History’s Most Evil & Amoral Army?
12:11 Japan's Brutal Basic Training
14:47 How They Lost Grip on their Asian Empire
26:16 Why some Koreans Became as Brutal as their Japanese Occupiers
31:55 The Sandakan Death March
42:32 Suicidal Japanese Inventions
51:26 How Effective Were Japanese Suicide Tactics Actually?
1:15:32 Why the Japanese ARMY Still Didn’t Want to Surrender After Being Nuked Twice
1:24:47 The Brutality of the Japanese Secret Police
1:34:38 More Atrocities
1:43:54 Unit 731
1:47:24 Not all Were Bad

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