Gospel Conversations

6 months ago

This Jesus God has raised up, of which we are all witnesses.
Acts 2:32

As we grow in Christ, we learn to engage in Gospel conversations with people. Norman Geisler wrote, “If we have God’s heart, we will do whatever we can to advance His kingdom purposes in every conversation we have with our nonbelieving friends…. Once our heart is right with God, we can begin to talk to people in a more effective way so that many may believe.”1

Recommended Reading:
Acts 5:29-32

It's important to bring our Christian maturity into every relationship. People must see us as different—and different in ways they want to emulate. Then we look for opportunities to say a word, even if it’s as simple as: “I’ll pray about that for you.” The time will come when we can say: “Let me tell you about a verse I found today in the Bible,” or, “We’re having a concert at my church this weekend. Would you be able to come?”

As we try to live a godly life, we must remember we are God’s platform. Thank God for the opportunities that come your way and ask Him to keep you sharp enough to see them.

Evangelism is every day and in every way helping your nonbelieving friends to take one step closer to Jesus Christ.
Norman Geisler
Turning Point

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