Rahan. Episode 110. By Roger Lecureux. The King of the “Four-Hands.” A Puke (TM) Comic.

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23 days ago


Source of Rahan Comics:
Philippe Ropers.

The son of the ferocious ages!

Episode One Hundred and Ten.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Andre Cheret.

The King of the “Four-Hands.”

The son of Crao froze, indignant at what he had just discovered.
Two chimpanzees lay there, pierced with arrows.
A third, younger one, was still alive.

Hunters killed these "Four-hands" for fun, since they abandoned them here!

Rahan hates killing unnecessarily! Especially the "Four-Hands" who are so close to "Those-Who-Walk-Upright"!

With the tip of his knife, he had just delicately extracted the arrows when.

Oh! Greek! Greek!

Page Two.

He collapsed under this veritable "Rain of Monkeys"!
Scratched, bitten, beaten a hundred times, he lost consciousness.
Greek! Greek!

No doubt he would have been finished if a strange cry had not fallen from the foliage.

At this cry, which must have been an order, the “Four-hands” dragged their victim towards a large tree.
Greek! Gra-ha-dak!

When Rahan came to, stretched out on a main branch, he thought he was floating in a fog.
The vague silhouettes of the "Four-Hands" surrounded him.

He regained his sharpness but still thought he was dreaming.

We saw you trying to kill "Ghekka" with that knife, "Fire-Hair"!
Do not Deny It!

Page Three.

What. What? Who are you?
I am Tagoo, the leader of the "Four-Hand" clan!
The teenager must not have seen the "season-of-green-leaves" more than fifteen times.

Rahan did not want to kill the young "Four-Hands"!
He had just extracted the arrows that were making him suffer!

You lie! You lie like all hunters, who are seekers, who only seek to destroy us!
All "Those-who-walk-upright" are wild beasts!
Tagoo seemed to feel a deep hatred for his fellows.

They only think about killing us, about burning our shelters!

Look at those! They are probably coming to your rescue!
A group of men appeared and set fire to the thickets around the big tree.

Panic gripped the monkeys as the flames rose.
The teenager shouted orders with authority.
Ta-ga-heek! Ge-heek! Tra-ek!

Page Four.

We could take your life!
But we will spare you so that you can tell your people how we escaped them! Goodbye "Fire-Hair"!

With a juvenile laugh, Tagoo launched himself into the vines.
Ha-ha-ha! Tell them also that the king of the "Four-Hands" will soon take revenge!

The fire was growing dangerously around the tree. The little chimpanzee Rahan had wanted to nurse was whimpering.
The "King" has forgotten you "Ghekka”!

Rahan does not want to see hunters treat the "Four-Hands" like that!
And then, he has to take his knife back from Tagoo! Hold on tight!

Thunderous clamors rang out as the son of Crao flew over the wall of fire.
So this damn Taggo has an ally!?
They will not go far.
They are heading straight for our traps!

With disconcerting skill, Rahan caught up with the chimpanzees.
He reached Tagoo's height. He became ironic.
You forgot "Ghekka", your majesty!

Page Five.

A true leader never forgets an injured member of his clan!
The fire was no longer to be feared, and the fugitives stopped.

Why did you run away from the hunters with us?
And why do you speak to me so harshly?
Because Rahan does not like hunters who slaughter the "Four-Hands."
But he also does not like young men who hate their own kind.

I hate them because they kicked my father out of the clan when I was still small.
Later, I fled the clan!
I lived with the "Four-Hands" who adopted me.
I became their leader and the idea of avenging my father never left me.

Loud cries interrupted Tagoo.
He had to flee again from the hunters who were resuming the chase.
Disperse! Disperse!

A moment later, Rahan and two chimpanzees were leaping into the vines.
They landed together on a branch half-cut by the hunters.
A branch-trap.
They fell together into the void towards a thicket.

Page Six.

The ends of a large net rose as men burst out of the bushes.
Kill the "Four-Hands" but spare Tagoo's ally!

The net fell back. A few arrows missed the two monkeys and they disappeared.
No! No! Stop!

Outraged, the son of Crao snatched a man's bow and broke it on his knee. But.
One more gesture and you will never even appear before Yagahoo!

From the top of the forest, the "King" saw the hunters jostle Rahan, dragging him into the forest.
"Fire-Hair" will die for defending us!

A little later.
The "Four-Hands" have eluded us once again, Yagahoo!
But we have captured this man, who is Tagoo's ally!

Let us tie him to the "Wood that turns"!
He will stay there, without food or water, as long as Tagoo ambushes us!

The son of Crao was tied to a strange turnstile on the outskirts of the village.
His position was painful, and was such that he had no chance of freeing himself.
Page Seven.

You have no right to torture Rahan! This morning, Rahan did not know Tagoo!
No one listened to his protests.

And he was left to his fate under the burning sun.
As the hours passed, his contorted limbs became more and more painful.

Only Yagahoo would sometimes come near, activate the "Turnstile" and laugh.
Ha-ha-ha! That should not make a "Four-Hands" accomplice's head spin!

The forest, the ground, the huts became blurred and began a mad circle around the captive who had to close his eyes.

When he opened them again, everything around him wavered, tilted.
Why this Hate. For the "Four-hands".
Yagahoo? Why?

Why? You will find out, "Fire-Hair"!
In the past, we respected the "Four-Hands". Their clan and ours lived in peace!

Page Eight.

But one day, the "Four-Hands" attacked our hunters! Then they did it again!
Their ambushes became more and more numerous.

And now, ours can no longer hunt in the forest without being harassed!
That was why we decided to put an end to the "Four-Hands"!
And all this because this young fool Tagoo is haunted by the fixation of avenging his father, whom our clan judged and Banished.

What had his father done?
Open your ears, "Fire-Hair"! We banned him precisely because he was stupidly slaughtering "Four-Handers"!

But Tagoo was too small to understand!
And since then we have never been able to approach him to make him listen to reason!

Free Rahan and he will go talk to Tagoo!
Hum! Can we trust you? Hum!
We will decide that at daybreak!

Fire-hair- saved "Chekka". He defended us. We must deliver him! Go "Grhik"! Greek!

Page Nine.

All was silent in the village. That is why Rahan heard the rustling of the bushes.
The chimpanzee that came out handed him his ivory knife.

He will not be able to cut the vines!
The monkey circled around the tortured man, desperately offering the weapon.
Annoyed, he cried out a few times.

And Yagahoo emerged from his hut, spear held high!
And you wanted us to trust you?!

The chief rushed forward, chastising the chimpanzee who retreated, frightened, towards the undergrowth.
Do not kill him!

By impelling a rotation on the turnstile, Rahan deflected the spear, throwing Yagahoo to the ground.

Page Ten.

Here is the proof that you are on the side of the "Four-Hands"!
Do not hope for our pity any longer, "Fire-Hair"!
You will be put to death tomorrow at dawn!

The monkey had disappeared, leaving the knife twenty paces away.
Yagahoo returned to his hut without having seen the weapon.

But this was of no use to the son of Crao.
Rahan must find another way to break the bonds! By twisting them perhaps!?

Energetic jolts set the turnstile in motion.
First in one direction, then in the other. A hundred times he repeated these maneuvers.

Stimulated by the creaking of the fibers that he felt giving way, one by one, under his repeated twists. He gave himself no respite!

The vine twisted, and twisted, and twisted.
Fibers began to crack. Below, the turnstile turned.
And turned.

The grayness of the dawn bordered the hills when the central vine finally broke. The shock was harsh!

Page Eleven.

But Rahan was not yet free.
He first had to free his limbs from the "Turning Wood".

Then he had to drag himself to the ivory knife.

The ivory blade finally cut the bonds.
But then Yagahoo and his people came out of the huts.

You are the first captive who managed to free himself from the "wood-that-turns", "Fire-Hair"!
You will not escape us for all that!

And since you managed to get a weapon, Yagahoo offers you a fight!

Rahan does not fight "Those-Who-Walk-Upright"!
At least, not with his knife!

Page Twelve.

Yagahoo abandoned his lance.
Yagahoo agrees to fight bare-handed!
You will regret having allied yourself with the "Four-Hands"!

An instant later, the two men were rolling in the dirt.
Rahan, all his muscles aching from the long ordeal, was immediately in difficulty.

Encumbered, he could not lift his bruised shoulders off the ground.
So? You admit defeat? But. But what is happening?

Shrill screams erupted all around the village. The king of the "Four-Hands" appeared in a tree.
Let us free "Fire-Hair"! Let us destroy the villages!
To the attack!
To the attack!

Clusters of monkeys descended on the huts from all sides, and attacked the men surprised by this assault.
Greek! Greek!

Page thirteen.

Yes, I admit defeat, Yagahoo.
But let me win, or the "Four-Hands" will wreck everything!

Seeing Rahan pinning Yagahoo to the ground, Tagoo froze.
Oh! "Fire-Hair" has freed himself!
He is stronger than Yagahoo!

Order the "Four-Hands" to return to the forest, Tagoo!
Rahan has things to teach you!
The adolescent was hesitant.

But if I stay here alone, the hunters will kill me!
You see Rahan is stronger than Yagahoo!
He will protect you!

Tagoo gave orders and the monkeys disappeared as suddenly as they had appeared.
Gahareek! Gahareeka!

The clan moved aside, leaving Rahan and Tagoo face to face.
What did you want to teach me, "Fire-Hair"?
You like the "Four-Hands," don't you?!
Page Fourteen.

Of course! I have always lived with them! For them!
So what would you think of a hunter who would stupidly kill them despite the law of his clan?

That hunter deserves to be banished by his clan. He.
Well, you should know that Yagahoo once banished such a hunter!
And that hunter Was your father!

You. You are lying!
Rahan never lies! You were just a little man who did not understand yet!

You only thought of revenge and you launched the "Four-Hands" against those who wanted to defend them!

You judged too quickly, therefore badly, Tagoo!
One should never judge without knowing the depth of things!
But harmony will return to these forests.
And you, the "king", you will demand it!

Page Fifteen.

Tagoo is so ashamed!
All he has left to do is flee this territory.
To rejoin that of the "Shadows" maybe!
The adolescent rushed towards the forest.

You lied when you said you never lied!
Why did you let him believe that you were stronger than Yagahoo?

Do not confuse "Lie" with "Trick", Yagahoo!
Without this trick, Tagoo and his "Four-Hands" would have devastated the village to save Rahan!

But what are you doing?
Come back! Come back! Brother!

Rahan will only come back with Tagoo, if he manages to convince him!

The son of Crao had appreciated Tagoo's pride, loyalty and remorse.
He knew that he could convince him to return among his true brothers: "Those-who-walk-upright"! And the "four-hands," admiring his pursuit, did not yet know that they would soon have to find soon a new "King".

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