UFO at Exeter, NH

5 months ago

In 1965, in the city of Exeter, New Hampshire, a series of UFO sightings took place which gained vast media attention, and became the subject of the book, "Incident at Exeter," by John G. Fuller. The sensational happenings were also featured in a two-part "Look" magazine article.

The remarkable chain of events in New Hampshire began with Norman Muscarello, who was hitchhiking back to his house in Exeter on Route 150. Exeter was a small New England town of about 7,000 people at the time.

In the wee hours of the night on a cold, September 3, 1965, eighteen-year-old Muscarello made his trek.

It was about 2:00 AM that this lonely hitchhiker first noticed an unusual light in the dark skies. The light became an object, which suddenly came from the sky towards the young man.

The object was described as approximately 90 feet in diameter, with bright, beaming lights that appeared around its rim.

See the complete case file at <A HREF="https://www.ufocasebook.com/Exeter.html">An Incident at Exeter</a>

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