so typical of me that i should be used to it by now

4 months ago

i added to that previous chord that i like so much
i walk w/ confidence cos i know what this is n what it isn't
i don't need to convince ya what i'm doin or not doin
this is real to me regardless of how the world feels about it
defense is the wrong approach
i guess i offended the comatose
don't chu have an overzealous supply of xanax to get by so why does this bother you so much
i hate this shit on the interstate
i guess i'm just paranoid or sumin
this shit makes me so mad
i just want yawl to see this
is that a chipmunk? i am dumb
you know what fuck it...CLASSIC ag
i meow when ANYTHING happens
i get disappointed w/ myself when i can't keep sumin good goin
maybe i should take that transformation into account way more
ooooh that black key
i'm sure those cops are waiting for sex traffickers
why aren't there road blocks to stop actual criminal activity
drunk driving ain't that serious
lotza people do illegal shit all the time cos they're good at it
i need to use this method for real
nineties kid can you tell
the backwards cap is a lotta things for a lotta people of all different tribes
of course i have a lotta stickers

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